October 2024 Member Highlight
Ryan Hazelwood
Principal, Hazelwood Engineering
Can you share with us how COVID was your stepping stone to running your own Civil Engineering Firm?
I was working remotely for a large company that mainly did work on the East Coast. When COVID hit, all of our work stopped. I thought this was a great time to start my own company, allowing me to continue working remotely since we had babies at home. Nothing was more valuable to me than that. I started small, helping those who were stuck at home with some residential work. This led me to Phoenix, where I helped someone with a cabin, which rolled into other introductions and more work here. Now, about 50% of our work is in the Phoenix area.
What inspired you to join AAED?
Our marketing company referred me to check it out. So, I did some research online and couldn’t believe how easy the website was to follow and get signed up as a member. Then, once I joined, it was great to be so welcomed to this association. They make it easy to get involved and have the opportunity to meet other members.
What are you looking forward to regarding AAED?
Taking advantage of the many networking opportunities. I make sure to plan my visits in Arizona to incorporate AAED events with seeing my clients. I am looking forward to discovering how my company can help the various cities grow. Following the two interviews I did with the Economic Development Directors from Show Low and Yuma, it’s easy to see and feel their passion for their communities. I’m also looking forward to attending the Spring conference, expanding my client base to the Northern cities, and being a part of their future growth.
What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
I would have to say Easter because our kids are so little; they love looking for their Easter eggs. Also, living in Utah makes us pretty excited for the snow to be gone and for things to turn green!